Over the March break I will cross the border to America! I’m so happy, I’ve only been to America a few times. I can't wait to go shopping and to explore my neighboring country, this is going to be a sweet March break. This will be a better March break than the last, when I was supposed to go over to the states. This March break I definitely will be crossing the border to America! I’m so happy I’ve only been to America only a few times. I can't wait to go shopping and to explore our neighboring country, this going to be a sweet March break. Better than last March break when I was supposed to go to New York but we couldn't go, I hope this year will be better. We couldn't go last year, I hope this year will be better! I’m so happy that I get to go to America. I can't wait to see my family, I have only seen them few times. This break I will definitely be crossing the border to America!

I was really bummed when my mom said me she wouldn’t be go that year, and we would have to wait next year. Finally the time came and I got to go! If the same thing happened again, I will explode,  hopefully that will not happen to me again.

     Oh my goodness March break is so close I can almost smell it! Just a little longer and I will have a week of school off. Imagine the possibility’s you can sleep in, play video games, stay up all night go to the mall to shop. Maybe you are going on vacation to a different county like Florida, Jamaica or crossing the border to America.  If so have fun!

   My spring break won't be as fun and crazy as the spring breakers on T.V or college students on much music. My March break would be less crazy. More relaxed and boring. I would likely be watching spring breakers the movie, doing but eating popcorn and television and maybe leave the country. Have a good March break everyone.

     I believe the earth is full with over populated country's but we don't need to slow down the growth I believe we just need to slow down on our need and demands with Products like plastic and the use of fuels fuel  . The video earth I was just watching was a man named ted who talked about how full the earths getting and how we are stealing from the future.

     I also watched a video about Waste in the Pacific Ocean and how big the waste was it was the size of Texas filled with plastic and boots and trash. I think people should throw their waste into the trash I will also do the same.

Don't you get one of those days when a song pop's up into your head but you only remember the melody but not the lyrics. And you try so hard to remember the song, so you go on YouTube and type in random lyrics that you think is in the song and end up with other things. Then you ask someone about the song and start humming it out to them and they think you’re weird.

Well I don't know about you but that happened to me and the just sticks into my head until I can find the lyrics to the song.

I can't really see Canada being a dictatorship ever because Canada I believe is one of the country’s that have the most freedom in the world. Canada has always been on the side with rights and freedom.  I wouldn’t understand why Canada would ever be a dictatorship and I'm very glad it's not.

I'm so happy that to be born into Canada unlike other children in the world that was born into a country with less freedom but with fewer rights. But I hope that other countries with their government would let people have more freedom in the countries.
