I have always loved anime ever since I was 3 years old, and I didn’t even know I was a fan. I would always watch a show called card captor every day when it came on, it was the best show ever. When I was younger I would also watch dragon ball-z , yugioh and one piece with my brothers.

        I never knew what anime or manga was, I've always loved anime and how their eyes were drawn,  I knew that anime was different then cartoon but I didn't know what they were called.

            Until grade 5 when I met my friend who also watched anime, she told me all the anime shows she watched, I also watched them to and I found out what anime was that day.  I'm such a big anime fan, I watch action anime and drama all the time. I also read a lot of manga, I own so much manga my mom is trying to convince me to sell them.

     Today in class we just talked about something  that I find very interesting, we talked about a woman named Amanda, she is a punk singer who gives her music freely to people. Her fans pay what ever fee they like, some pay nothing and some pay a lot. I think it takes a lot of heart and courage to let people do that.

       To me I think I  have  a lot of trust, but I don't trust people to the extreme, like living at fans homes and not knowing if there reliable or not.
I guess I don't have that much trust as the punk singer.  I can say she has a lot of trust because she can stay at someones place, and she gives her music away to people.

    I think it is good to give free music to people, but some people make a living off of it, so people have to pay for the music, and I understand that .  Nothing in life is free ,so to get you must give.
The place I would want to go is defiantly Japan. Japan is my
  favorite country because of their culture, music and food. I’ve always wanted
  to go to Japan since I was little. It all started back in the kindergarten, I
  would always watch an anime show called card capter and sailor moon, they were
  awesome. As I got older I learned that that type of cartoon was Japanese
  called Anime, and I also read there manga, so that's how my love for Japan

 Hopefully I will explore Japan  when I graduate from High school or College. I could visit
  Japan, or maybe live there for some time. I know that Japan is on the opposite
  side of the world then my country. Japan is way a different country then the
  western side. I learned that Japan is strict in there house hold, but most house holds are.