The bar code tattoo is about a 17 year old girl named Kayla who's life changed dramatically  over a short amount of time. In her world the  bar code tattoo makes life easy for people to use they just scan there tattoo and go .Everybody's getting it so less people are not using anything that isn't bar code.The tattoo is everybody's life in America it's now there new identity.  Kayla choose not to get the code and her life go's down hill.Kayla loses her chase of getting an art scholarship, She becomes an outcast in her high school and her life becomes dangerous.

Kayla's life becomes really dangerous since she sees sigh that the bar code can be life changing for some people good and bad  I'm not going to tell how. Kayla's has always been on the run since her life has been changed because of the bar code tattoo she goes on the road to freedom trying to run from the bar code tattoo that would limit your privacy the way you live and your freedom.  

There is three books to the series to. If you like a lot of action and drama then you would love this book. The book also reminds me of hunger games. I recommend this book if your not a big reader because it's nice in size and there pretty short. 
A couple weeks ago three women  in Cleveland were found in a Cleveland home after finally escaped a after 10 years of being captive!  Their families reported them missing, but neighbors living near their captors were unaware of their plight, and authorities never found them. Then on Monday, when a neighbor heard one of the girls scream,  he kicked open the front door to the house that had been a jail to the abducted women.

I can't believe that would happen in a place where you would think was safe. The thing the shocked me was the three ladies were held captive for 10 long years that's almost as long as my hole life. specially because they were captive so close to home. I'm just really glade these girls made back home.

The three ladies made it but I know each of them will have to have a lot of time to heal from what happened in those ten log years of being captive it will never be the same for them but I hope the can manege. What that those man did is more than unjust and not right it's worst than cruel and evil I don't know why they would do that to three young girls who had there whole future ahead of them.
I will keep the girls in my prayers.
           I love adventure time! Even if I'm 15 years old I'm not too old to be watching adventure time because that show is awesome. It's one of my favorite cartoons shows besides Sponge bob. I love the humor of the show and the color and awesomeness. I can't miss an episode because that is my laughing time. My siblings tell me that I'm too old to be watching adventure time but I don't care I still like it. I have two large posters of adventure time in my room their like the only two things that brighten up my wall and stand out because there so colorful.

My favorite character in adventure time in order is the Ice king, Bubble gum princess, lumpy space princess and Finn and Jake, Marceline and gunter. I really enjoy watching adventure it’s one of the only cartoons that make me laugh comment if you like adventure time and your favorite character.


  I don't have any specific taste in one kind of music, I like any music that I hear. If there's a awesome bass or rhythm  I like that. My music style change's depending on my mode and what I'm feeling for. On my I-pod I would have Hip hop, R&B,  rap, country , dubstep, punk, Jamaican music  and some K-pop in different order all over the place.

While I'm listening to someone I might connect to them or love the beat,  I would get that song no  matter what type of music style it is.  I like Artist like Beyonce , Rhianna, Justine timberlake , Usher, Adele, Florance and the machine, dead mouse, Walk of the earth, green day, Drake, Micheal buble  and many more.

I like a lot of music I have no main style I prefer to keep my style with a lot of variates.

         I'm so glad there's only two more months of school, and I hope this summer will be a exiting summer. This summer I want to go to Disneyland, I've never been to Disneyland before and I wish I could go this summer, maybe next summer I could go. A lot of people I know went to Disneyland, everyone had the best time of their lives. My Dad and brother went to Florida over the summer last year to visit my relatives, and they past Disneyland, they could have went to Disneyland, but I'm glad they didn't go without me or the would have been a bummer.

     The Disneyland I really want to go to is in Japan in Tokyo. In my other blogs you probably know how much I love japan, and going to Japan and Disneyland at the same time would be the most amazing wonderful thing ever! I probably won't go to japan maybe but we never know.  I know Disneyland is not a cheap place to go but I want to try going to somewhere new instead of going to Canada's wonderland every summer up until now.

     I really hope I get to go somewhere really warm and tropical, my Mom talked about going to different places for the summer like going back to Jamaica or go to America to go shopping again.

I just want a exiting summer this year!

      I have always loved anime ever since I was 3 years old, and I didn’t even know I was a fan. I would always watch a show called card captor every day when it came on, it was the best show ever. When I was younger I would also watch dragon ball-z , yugioh and one piece with my brothers.

        I never knew what anime or manga was, I've always loved anime and how their eyes were drawn,  I knew that anime was different then cartoon but I didn't know what they were called.

            Until grade 5 when I met my friend who also watched anime, she told me all the anime shows she watched, I also watched them to and I found out what anime was that day.  I'm such a big anime fan, I watch action anime and drama all the time. I also read a lot of manga, I own so much manga my mom is trying to convince me to sell them.

     Today in class we just talked about something  that I find very interesting, we talked about a woman named Amanda, she is a punk singer who gives her music freely to people. Her fans pay what ever fee they like, some pay nothing and some pay a lot. I think it takes a lot of heart and courage to let people do that.

       To me I think I  have  a lot of trust, but I don't trust people to the extreme, like living at fans homes and not knowing if there reliable or not.
I guess I don't have that much trust as the punk singer.  I can say she has a lot of trust because she can stay at someones place, and she gives her music away to people.

    I think it is good to give free music to people, but some people make a living off of it, so people have to pay for the music, and I understand that .  Nothing in life is free ,so to get you must give.
The place I would want to go is defiantly Japan. Japan is my
  favorite country because of their culture, music and food. I’ve always wanted
  to go to Japan since I was little. It all started back in the kindergarten, I
  would always watch an anime show called card capter and sailor moon, they were
  awesome. As I got older I learned that that type of cartoon was Japanese
  called Anime, and I also read there manga, so that's how my love for Japan

 Hopefully I will explore Japan  when I graduate from High school or College. I could visit
  Japan, or maybe live there for some time. I know that Japan is on the opposite
  side of the world then my country. Japan is way a different country then the
  western side. I learned that Japan is strict in there house hold, but most house holds are.

Over the March break I will cross the border to America! I’m so happy, I’ve only been to America a few times. I can't wait to go shopping and to explore my neighboring country, this is going to be a sweet March break. This will be a better March break than the last, when I was supposed to go over to the states. This March break I definitely will be crossing the border to America! I’m so happy I’ve only been to America only a few times. I can't wait to go shopping and to explore our neighboring country, this going to be a sweet March break. Better than last March break when I was supposed to go to New York but we couldn't go, I hope this year will be better. We couldn't go last year, I hope this year will be better! I’m so happy that I get to go to America. I can't wait to see my family, I have only seen them few times. This break I will definitely be crossing the border to America!

I was really bummed when my mom said me she wouldn’t be go that year, and we would have to wait next year. Finally the time came and I got to go! If the same thing happened again, I will explode,  hopefully that will not happen to me again.

     Oh my goodness March break is so close I can almost smell it! Just a little longer and I will have a week of school off. Imagine the possibility’s you can sleep in, play video games, stay up all night go to the mall to shop. Maybe you are going on vacation to a different county like Florida, Jamaica or crossing the border to America.  If so have fun!

   My spring break won't be as fun and crazy as the spring breakers on T.V or college students on much music. My March break would be less crazy. More relaxed and boring. I would likely be watching spring breakers the movie, doing but eating popcorn and television and maybe leave the country. Have a good March break everyone.