Over the March break I will cross the border to America! I’m so happy, I’ve only been to America a few times. I can't wait to go shopping and to explore my neighboring country, this is going to be a sweet March break. This will be a better March break than the last, when I was supposed to go over to the states. This March break I definitely will be crossing the border to America! I’m so happy I’ve only been to America only a few times. I can't wait to go shopping and to explore our neighboring country, this going to be a sweet March break. Better than last March break when I was supposed to go to New York but we couldn't go, I hope this year will be better. We couldn't go last year, I hope this year will be better! I’m so happy that I get to go to America. I can't wait to see my family, I have only seen them few times. This break I will definitely be crossing the border to America!

I was really bummed when my mom said me she wouldn’t be go that year, and we would have to wait next year. Finally the time came and I got to go! If the same thing happened again, I will explode,  hopefully that will not happen to me again.

3/28/2013 12:41:44 am

That sounds awesome! One of my dreams I've always had is to go to NYC! I hope you had a great time!

5/2/2013 10:39:12 pm

I did thanks!

3/28/2013 03:26:40 am

I love going to New York! What part of New York are you going to? Last year I went to New York but upstate in Syracuse. How was your trip? :)

5/2/2013 10:40:31 pm

My trip was awesome thank you! I went to Broklyn.


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